
Coogee is the closet beach to the airport The most popular transport options are listed below. To plan your transport journey visit – Guests travelling to the airport are advised that travel time can range from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the traffic and mode of transport. Delays can sometimes occur, particularly during peak travel times, so please allow plenty of extra travel time.


Sydney Airport to Coogee

Bus - There is a direct bus departing from Sydney Airport Terminal 3 Domestic and arriving at Arden St Opp Coogee Bay Road. Services depart every 10 minutes and operate every day. Approx time is 40 minutes and is a distance of 8 kms. Train - Travel by train and tram between the two locations which takes approx. 35 minutes.

Sydney CBD to Coogee

Bus - There is a direct bus departing from Arden St Opp Coogee Bay Road and arrives at Chifley Tower, Bent Street. Services depart every 30 minutes and operate Monday to Friday and take around 32 minutes. Train – A direct train departs from Randwick Train Station and arrives at Bridge Street Train Station in the city which departs every 5 minutes and operates daily. Time approximately 28 minutes.